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Dielectric and Related Processes (Poland) 1990-2000

Jacek Ulanski and Friedrich Kremer

Dielectric and Related Processes (Poland) 1992-2000

The roots of the International Dielectric Society go back to the conference on Dielectric and Related Phenomena (DRP), which were in 1990 initiated by Andrew K. Jonscher and Aleksander Szymanski. Meetings took place in Krynica (1990, chairman: Aleksander Szymański), in Rzeszów (1992, chairman: Aleksander Szymański), in Zakopane (1994), two times in Szczyrk, (1996, chairman: Andrzej Włochowicz and 1998, chairman: Andrzej Włochowicz and Jacek Ulański) and in Spala (2000, chairman: Jacek Ulański) with an increasing international attendance. These were as well an important forum to bring together scientist from Eastern and Western Countries.

Professor Aleksander Szymański from the Technical University of Rzeszow in Poland organized in 1990 the first DRP conference. The Programme Committee was steered from the beginning by Prof. Andrew K. Jonscher, Founder of Chelsea Dielectrics Group, from the Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham. The fourth and the fifth in the series, DRP’96 and DRP‘98, were held in Szczyrk under the Chairmanship of Prof. Andrzej Włochowicz from the Bielsko-Biala Branch of the Technical University of Lodz. The Scientific Committee of DRP’98 and DRP’2000 was chaired by Prof. Jacek Ulański from the Technical University of Lodz.