Monday, July 29
Dielectric Relaxation in Polymers
AM Session Chairperson: John D. Hoffman, National Bureau of Standards
“Rotation of Perpendicular Dipoles in Polymer Molecules”,
R. W. Zwanzig, University of Maryland
“High Frequency Dielectric Properties of Polymers”,
G. W. Chantry, National Physical Laboratory, England
Relaxation Studies in the Far Infrared
PM Session Chairperson: J. Chamberlin National Physical Laboratory, England
“Microwave/Far Infrared Dielectric Measurements on Liquids and Liquid Crystals”,
A. H. Price, University College of Wales
“Active Intramolecular Processes in Dielectric Relaxation”,
J. L. Rivail & J. Goulon, University of Nancy
Tuesday, July 30
Equilibrium Properties
AM Session Chairperson: J. M. Deutch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Equilibrium Properties of Polar Fluids”,
G. Stell, State University of New York
“Collision Induced Dielectric and Optical Properties of Gases and Liquids”,
W. M. Gelbart, University of California at Berkeley
Time Domain Dielectric Measurements
PM Session Chairperson: A. Suggert, Unilever Research Laboratory, England
“Real Time Analysis of Time Domain Reflectometry”,
R. H. Cole, Brown University
“Fourier Transform Techniques in Dielectric Measurements”,
G. E. Johnson, Bell Telephone Laboratories
Wednesday, July 31
Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Polymers
AM Session Chairperson: B. Gross, University of San Paulo, Brazil
“Dynamic Piezoelectric Response in Polymers”,
Y. Wada, University of Tokyo
“Piezoelectricity and Pyroelectricity in Polymers”,
M. G. Broadhurst, National Bureau of Standards
Rotational Structure in Simple Liquids
PM Session Chairperson: J. van der Elsken. University of Amsterdam
“Theory of HX Absorption in Simple Nondipolar Fluids”,
S. H. Glarum, Bell Telephone Laboratories
“Hydracid Rotational Structure in Simple Liquids”,
L. Galatry, University of Besancon, France
Thursday, August 1
Dielectric Relaxation in Liquids
AM Session Chairperson: R. L. Fulton
“Analysis of Conflicting Theories of Dielectric Relaxation”,
V. Titulaer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Dielectric Relaxation of Polar Rodlike Molecules in Polar Solvents”,
W. Vaughn, University of Wisconsin
Gases and Liquids
PM Session Chairperson: F. Mopsik, National Bureau of Standards
“Molecular Dynamics Studies of Rotational Motion in Gases and Liquids”,
B. J. Berne, Columbia University
“Debye Relaxation in Gases and Liquids”,
A. A. Maryott, National Bureau of Standards
Friday, August 2
Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Polymers
AM Session Chairperson: G. R. Pfister, Xerox Research Laboratories
“Dielectric Relaxation and Thermally Stimulated Dipolarization in Amorphous Systems”,
G. Williams, University of Wales
“Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Phenomena in Polyvinylidene Fluoride”,
R. G. Kepler, Sandia Laboratories

- Broadhurst, Martin
- Gross, Bernhard
- Kepler, R. G.
- Chantry, George
- Vaughan, Worth
- Birnbaum, George
- Zwanzig, Robert
- Stell, George
- Johnson, G. E.
- Wada, Yasaku
- Glarum, Sivert
- Stoner, Elaine
- Goulon, J.
- Høye, J. S.
- McCall, David
- Hoffman, John
- Price, A. H.
- Mopsick, Fred
- Rothschild, Walter
- Pohl, Herbert
- Williams, Graham
- Maryott, Arthur
- van der Eleken, Jan
- Link, Gordon
- Eastman, Paul
- Deutch, John
- Gelbart, W. M.
- Steele, William
- Suggett, Alan
- Rivail, J L
- Fulton, Robert
- Titulaer, Urbaan
- Cole, Robert
- Copeland, Thomas
- Amey, Ralph
- Wertheimer, Michael
- Lauritzen, John
- Anderson, James
- Ring, J. W.
- Omini, Marco
- Silverman, B. D.
- Meakin, Paul
- Cichanowski, Stanley
- Sutter, Herbert
- Shore, John
- Chamberlain, John
- Berberian, John
- Abkowitz, Martin
- Denney, Donald
- Gam, Lynn
- Johari, G. P.
- Pochan, John
- Klug, Dennis
- Kranbuehl, David
- van Aalst, A.
- Ashcraft, Arnold
- Beach, William
- Sullivan, Don
- Pfister, G.
- Bose, Tapan
- Wilson, Robert S.
- Lipscomb, T. G.
- Ascarelli, Gianni
- Pollak, Michael
- Panar, Manuel