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GRC "Dielectric Phenomena" 1992

20 Jul 1992 to 24 Jul 1992
Holderness School Plymouth, New Hampshire
J. Bendler, General Electric Research and Development Center
R. H. Boyd, University of Utah

Monday, July 20

AM Session Chairperson: Robert L. Fulton, Florida State University

“Rate Processes with Dynamical Disorder”,

R. Zwanzig, National Institute of Health

“Molecular Aspects of Dielectric Properties of Hydrogen-bonding Liquids”,

B. Ladanyl, Colorado State University

“Electrical Versus Mechanical Response Functions in Polymer Electrolyte Solutions and the Transition to the Superionic Glass State”,

C.A. Angell, Arizona State University

PM Session Chairperson: David W. McCall, AT&T Bell Laboratories

“Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Insulators”,

Greg P. Kochanski, AT&T Bell Laboratories

PM Poster Session Chairperson: Richard Boyd, University of Utah

Tuesday, July 21

AM Session Chairperson: W. J. Sargent, SUNY at Buffalo

“Multifractal Aspects of the Dielectric Breakdown Model”,

H. E. Stanley, Boston University

“The Inception of Partial Discharge in Practical Dielectric Fluids”,

K. Stricklett, NIST

“Primary Interactions of Low Energy Electrons (0 to 20 eV) in Dielectric Media”,

L. Sanche, University of Sherbrooke

PM Session Chairperson: S. Matsuoka, AT&T Bell Laboratories

“Classes of Frequency-Temperature Relationships for Relaxations”,

H. W. Starkweather, DuPont Research and Development

“Correlation between Dielectric and Viscoelastic Absorptions in Polymers”,

R. D. Calleja, Politechnic University of Valencia

Wednesday, July 22

AM Session Chairperson: L. A. Dissado, Kings College

“Mode Coupling and the Glass Transition”,

G. F. Mazenko, James Frank Institute, University of Chicago

“Dielectric and Relaxation Studies of Stationary and Non-Stationary Polymer Systems”,

G. Williams, University College of Swansea

“The Scaling of the α and β Relaxation in Low Molecular Weight Glass Forming Liquids and in Polymers”,

F. Kremer, Max Planck Institute

PM Session Chairperson: J. D. Hoffman, Johns Hopkins University

“The Work of Robert H. Cole and its Relationship to the Frontiers of Dielectric Research”,

J. G. Berberian, Saint Joseph’s University

“Professor Charles B. Smyth and his Impact on Dielectric Science”,

J. E. Anderson, Ford Motor Company

“Herbert Frohlich: The Physics of Dielectric Breakdown and Relaxation”,

J. J. O’Dwyer, SUNY at Oswego; J. G. Powles, University of Kent

Thursday, July 23

AM Session Chairperson: E. O. Forster, Exxon Corporation

“Charge Storage and Charge Transport in Electrets”,

G. M. Sessler, Technical University Darmstadt

“Electron Transport in Polystyrene Above and Below the Glass Transition”,

P. K. Watson, Xerox Corporation

“Micro Discharges and Breakdown Phenomena in Solid Insulators: Physical Mechanisms and Engineering Relevance”,

B. Fruth, Brown-Bavari

PM Discussion Leader: J. G. Powles, University of Kent

“Observations on Creativity, Loyalty, Institutional Health and Scientific Productivity”,

J. D. Hoffman, Johns Hopkins University

Friday, July 24

AM Discussion Leader: F. E. Karasz, University of Massachusetts

“Second-order Nonlinear Optics and Relaxation Characteristics of Poled Amorphous Polymers”,

D. Yoon, IBM Corporation

“Effects of Electric Fields on Multiphase Polymer Morphology”,

G. E. Wnek, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute

“Dielectric and Ionic Processes in Inorganic and Polymeric Glasses”,

G. P. Johari, McMaster University

  1. J. Bendler
  2. R.H. Boyd
  3. A. Hunt
  4. R. Richert
  5. A. Kennedy
  6. A. Schoenhals
  7. A. Joscher
  8. Z. Petrovic
  9. J. Fitzgerald
  10. A. Pasztor
  11. M. McLin
  12. R. den Dulk
  13. N. Snider
  14. D.W. McCall
  15. F. Tombari
  16. T.R. Jow
  17. E. Johnson
  18. G. Williams
  19. J. O'Dwyer
  20. I. Hodges
  21. H. Resat
  22. N. Hager
  23. W. Haase
  24. G. Johari
  25. F. Mopsick
  26. J. Mason
  27. S. Havriliak Jr.
  28. I. Furukawa
  29. R. Diaz
  30. Y. Feldman
  31. M. Baron
  32. M. Jones
  33. D. Stoakley
  34. G. den Dulk
  35. D. Sharp
  36. W.A.B. Evans
  37. M. Buttram
  38. D. MacWilliams
  39. S. Gasworth
  40. P. Winsor
  41. Y. Wei
  42. A. Stokes
  43. D. Stokes
  44. F. Liu
  45. P. Avakian
  46. I. Teraoka
  47. M. Connolly
  48. J. Berberian
  49. J. Anderson
  50. R. Nozaki
  51. S, Matsuoka
  52. R. L. Fulton
  53. J. Sargeant
  54. A. St. Clair
  55. K. Stricklett
  56. D. Yoon
  57. J. Powles
  58. B. Ladanyi
  59. E. 0. Forster
  60. C. A. Angell
  61. G. Kochanski
  62. L.A. Dissado
  63. K. Watson
  64. H. Starkweather
  65. R. Zwanzig
  66. G. Sessler