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GRC "Dielectric Phenomena" 1988

25 Jul 1988 to 29 Jul 1988
Holderness School Plymouth, New Hampshire
John Pochan, S. C. Johnson
F. Karasz, University of Massachusetts

Monday, July 25

AM Session Chairperson: Robert Fulton, University of Florida

“Stretched Exponential Relaxations and Vogel-Fulcher Behavior in Disordered Systems”,

John Bendler, General Electric R & D Center

“Theory of Dielectric Relaxation Effects in Nonlinear Spectroscopy”,

R. Loring, Cornell University

“Time Resolved Studies of Solvation-Experiment and Computer Simulation”,

J. Simon, University of California

PM Session Chairperson: F. Karasz, University of Massachusetts
Poster Session

Tuesday, July 26

AM Session Chairperson: Shiro Matsuoka, AT&T Bell Laboratories

“New Hierarchial Rheology to Explain the Origin of the Alpha and Beta Relaxation in Polymers”,

Gyan Johari, McMaster University

“Dielectric Studies of Liquid Crystal Polymers”,

Harry Cole, University of Manchester

“ Dielectric Studies of Clustering Phenomena in Nafion and Similar Systems”,

Ken Mauritz, University of Southern Mississippi

PM Session Chairperson: John Hoffman, Michigan Molecular Institute

“Recent Advances in Ion Conduction in Doped Polymeric Systems”,

Du Shriver, Northwestern University

“Relation of Molecular Relaxation to the Conduction Mechanism in Ionically Doped Polymer Systems”,

John Fontenella, U.S. Naval Academy

Wednesday, July 27

AM Session Chairperson: Garo Karnarian, Hoechst Celanese

“Recent Advances in the Field of Non-linear Optics”,

Paras Prasad, SUNY at Buffalo

“Liquid Crystal Polymer Applications to Non-linear Optics”,

Craig Willand, Eastman Kodak

“Physics and Applications of the Photorefractive Effect”,

J. M. C. Jonathan, Centre Universitare D’Orsay, Institut D’Optique

PM Session Chairperson: Jim Anderson, Ford Motor Company

“Non-linear Relaxation Phenomena in Polymeric Systems”,

Takeo Furakawa, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Biopolymers Physics Laboratory

“Electro-optic Field Mapping Measurements in Electron Beam Irradiated Polymers”,

Marcus Zahn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Thursday, July 28

AM Session Chairperson: Len Dissado, Kings College, London

“Electrohydrodynamic Theory of Liquid Breakdown”,

Keith Watson, Xerox Corporation

“Prebreakdown Partial Discharge Measurements”,

H. Yamashita, Keio University, Japan

“Electrokinetics in Breakdown Phenomena”,

Eric Kuhnhardt, Polytechnic University, Weber Research Institute

PM Session Chairperson: Dave McCall, AT&T Bell Laboratories

“Perspectives in Dielectric Research”,

Bob Cole, Brown University

Friday, July 29

AM Session Chairperson: James Sargeant

“Space Environment and Its Impact on Dielectric Materials”,

Carolyn Purvis, NASA Lewis Research Center

“Power Issues in Space”,

Frank Rose, Auburn University, Space Power Institute

“Dielectrics Utilized in the Space Environment”,

Perry Bankston, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

  1. J. Pochan
  2. F. Karasz
  3. Y. Tajitsu
  4. S. Baer
  5. A. Kennedy
  6. V. Gehman, Jr.
  7. D. Hoffmann
  8. T. Mead
  9. H. Neuhaus
  10. H. Arenbeck
  11. F. Bormuth
  12. J. Mason
  13. N. Hayer, III
  14. L. Wempe
  15. M. Shoga
  16. W. Lotshaw
  17. E. Johnson
  18. C. Couglin
  19. R. Rendell
  20. G. Banhegyi
  21. R. Gripshover
  22. M. Shaw
  23. R. Nozaki
  24. A. Burns
  25. M. Roelofs
  26. C. Beatty
  27. L. Levy
  28. T. Jordan
  29. M. Baron
  30. A. Kelan
  31. J. Berberian
  32. F. Mopsik
  33. B. Mackey
  34. D. Redmond
  35. E. Tolle
  36. G. Johari
  37. P. Rolla
  38. Tombari
  39. C. Valencia
  40. M. Wintersgill
  41. S-P Yen
  42. A. Beuhler
  43. H. Yamashita
  44. J. Fontanella
  45. J. Meisenhelder
  46. G. Khanarian
  47. K. Watson
  48. J. Anderson
  49. J. Jonathan
  50. E. Forster
  51. R. Fulton
  52. J. Hoffman
  53. J. Courtet
  54. R. Olsen
  55. J. Bendler
  56. B. Cole
  57. L. Dissado
  58. R. Loring
  59. K. Mauritz
  60. J. Simon
  61. D. Shriver
  62. T. Furakawa
  63. S. Matsuoka
  64. H. Coles
  65. C. Willand