Monday, July 30
AM Session Chairperson: John Hoffman, University of Maryland
“Dielectric Behavior of Liquids by Computer Simulation”,
John G. Powles, University of Kent at Canterbury, England
“Rotational Dynamics”,
W. Steel, Pennsylvania State University
“Induced Phenomena”,
Paul Madden, Royal Signal & Radar Establishment, United Kingdom
PM Session Chairperson: James E. Anderson Ford Motor Company
“Far Infrared Spectroscopy in Liquids, Large Molecules and Polymers”,
Theodor Dorfmuller, University of Bielefeld, West Germany
Poster Session
Tuesday, July 31
Relaxation Processes
AM Session Chairperson: C. Austin Angell, Purdue University
“Application of an Empirical Relaxation Function to Relaxation and Scattering Phenomena, and the Search for its Physical Basis”,
Graham Williams, University College of Wales
“ Dielectric Relaxation in Ionically Conductive Glasses”,
Cornelius Moynihan, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute
“Physical Aging and Secondary Relaxation in Glasses”,
Gyan P. Johari, National Research Council of Canada
Related Phenomena
PM Session Chairperson: Frank E. Karasz, University of Massachusetts
“Dielectric Properties of Liquid Crystals”,
Michael G. Clark,, Royal Signal & Radar Establishment, United Kingdom
“Electro-optics Phenomena”,
G. A. Kenney-Wallace, University of Toronto
Wednesday, August 1
Breakdown Phenomena
AM Session Chairperson: W. James Sarjeant, SUNY Buffalo
“Electrical Breakdown in Liquid Dielectrics”,
Eric O. Forster, Exxon
“High Field Conduction in Dielectric Solids”,
John J. O’Dwyer, SUNY at Oswego NY
“Stochastic Approach to Breakdown”,
John Fothergill, Leicester University, England
Charge Migration Phenomena
PM Session Chairperson: Edward Kelley, National Bureau of Standards
“Electro-optic Field Mapping Measurements and Charge Transport Analysis in Purified Water and Water/Ethylene Glycol Mixture”,
Markus Zahn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Electromagnetic Field Interactions with Cellular Systems”,
Karl Illinger, Tufts University
Thursday, August 2
Minisymposium on Conductive Polymers
AM Session Chairperson: John Pochan, S.C Johnson
“Polyacetylene,(CH)x: The Prototype Conducting Polymer”,
Alan MacDiarmid, University of Pennsylvania
“Conducting Polymers Derived From Pyrroles”,
Bryan Street, IBM
“Review of Conduction Mechanisms in Highly Conductive Polymers”,
Arthur Epstein, Xerox Coporation
Molecular Dynamics
PM Session Chairperson: William J. Macknight, University of Massachusetts
“’… and the two shall become one’, Gen. 2:24: A story of cooperative transitions in polymers”,
Thomas A. Weber, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Friday, August 3
Related Techniques
AM Session Chairperson: David W. McCall, AT&T Bell Laboratories
“Identification of Local Molecular Motions in Polymer: Solid State Deuterium NMR Studies”,
Lynn W. Jelinski, AT&T Bell Laboratories
“Viscoelastic and Ultrasonic Properties of Liquids and Polymer Melts”,
John Lamb, University of Glasgow
“Piezoelectricity and Ferroelectricity in Polymers”,
Takeo Furukawa, Inst. Phys. Chem. Research, Saitama, Japan
- S. Matsuoka
- W. Anderson
- H. von Seggern
- G. Williams
- E. Tolle
- C. Alba
- A. Chaudhry
- M. Baron
- W. Sarjeant
- I. Hodge
- L. Rosenthal
- R. Hughes
- T. Bose
- H. Starkweather
- D. Lowits
- P. Alexandrovich
- G. Fitzpatrick
- L. Wempe
- T. Wang
- T. Podlesak
- R. Fulton
- K. Illinger
- J. May
- G. Ostapchenko
- E. Johnson
- L. Dissado
- J. Fothergill
- R. Hill
- M. Broadhurst
- R. Gupta
- J. O'Dwyer
- J. Lamb
- H. Troll
- J. Cook
- D. Klug
- D. Kranbuehl
- J. Weiss
- J. Skinner
- M. Shlesinger
- P. Winsor
- S. Weiss
- D. Damon
- R. Mopsik
- T. Furukawa
- T. Dorfmuller
- U. Buontempo
- S. Gough
- J. Evans
- Y. Jeong
- R. Rendell
- J. Berberian
- K. Wahlatrand
- M. Clark
- G. Johari
- J. Bendler
- I. Galperin
- R. Barker
- F. Karasz
- G. Kenney-Wallace
- P. Madden
- L. Jelinski
- J. Powles
- W. MacKnight
- R. Cole
- J. Hoffman
- D. McCall
- E. Forster
- W. Steela
- P. Maruska
- T. Weber
- C. Angell