Monday, August 29
“Induction Effects in Optical Spectra”,
H. L. Welsh, University of Toronto, Canada
“Theory of Pressure Induced Absorption Spectra”,
J. van Kranendonk, University of Toronto
“Dielectric Loss in Nonpolar Gases, High Pressures, and Temperatures”,
Patrick Thaddeus, Institute for Space Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
“Collision Induced Line Shapes in Gases”,
G. Birnbaum, North American Aviation Science Center
“Two and Three Body Collision Times in Carbon Dioxide Collisions”,
H. B. Levine, North American Aviation Science Center
“Pressure Induced Polarization in Gases”,
R. H. Orcutt, and H. Sutter, Brown University
Tuesday, August 30
“Nuclear Relaxation in Fluids”,
Irwin Oppenheim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Molecular Collisions and Dielectric Relaxation”,
R. G. Gordon, Harvard University
“Theory of Relaxation of Coupled Systems”,
R. L. Peterson, National Bureau of Standards
“Low-Lying Energy States in Parelectric Materials”,
R. O. Pohl, Cornell University
“Quantum Effects in the Orientation Polarization of Impurity Centers in Ionic Clusters”,
H. S. Sack, Cornell University
Wednesday, August 31
“The Low Temperature Dielectric Behavior of Impurity Ions in Potassium Chloride”,
H. R. Hart, Jr. and S. Roberts, General Electric Research Laboratory
“Quantum Theory of the Dielectric Tensor for Insulators”,
R. M. Wilcox, National Bureau of Standards
“Infrared Dielectric Properties of Phonons and Electrons in Crystals”,
A. S. Barker, Jr., Bell Telephone Laboratories.
“Dielectric Absorption and Crystal Defects”,
J. S. Dryden, C. S. I. R. O., Australia
“Dielectric Behavior of Water in Solids”,
D. W. Davidson, National Research Council, Canada
Thursday, September 1
“Millimeter-Wave Ellipsometric Measurements of the Complex Dielectric Constants of Solids and Liquids”,
W. S. Lovell, National Bureau of Standards
“Far Infrared Measurements on Dielectric Properties”,
John Chamberlain, National Physical Laboratory
“Microwave Relaxation in Molecular Solvents”,
C. Brot, C. N. R. S., France
“Dielectric Properties of Clathrates, Zeolites, and Polystyrene Matrices”,
M. Davies, University of Wales, United Kingdom
“Relaxation Processes in Polymers”,
D. McCall, Bell Telephone Laboratories
Friday, September 2
“The Effect of Pressure on the Dipole Relaxations in Amorphous Polymers”,
Graham Williams, National Physical Laboratory, England
“The Contribution of D. C. Step-Response Measurements to Dielectric Studies on Polymers”,
W. Reddish, ICI Plastics Division
“Measurement of Dielectric Constant and Loss Tangent at Frequencies from 0.001 Hz to 1 KHz”,
W. P. Harris, National Bureau of Standards

- Ralph Nelson
- Donald McQuarrie
- Don R. Johnston
- Laird D. Schearer
- John Lauritzen
- Paul Baker
- John Hoffman
- Ralph Wilcox
- Carmen Wilcox
- George Tanton
- R. M. Fuoss
- Joel Gersten
- F. I. Mopsik
- Charles Pine
- James Hawthorne
- H. Vaughn Samuelson
- John Winslow
- Shmuel Weiss
- John Berberian
- C. G. Malmberg
- R. M. Walsh
- S. Roberts
- Robert Holmes
- John Zimmerman
- D. W. Davidson
- R. O. Pohl
- P. Thaddeus
- H. S. Sack
- R. D. McCammon
- Richard Work
- Irwin Brockman
- Worth Vaughan
- Gordon L. Link
- John Devins
- S. K. Garg
- A. R. Salzman
- W. Reddish
- Herbert Pohl
- M. Davies
- Robert Peterson
- L. Frenkel
- Herbert Sutter
- D. J. Denney
- G. Williams
- David McCall
- William Harris
- Howard R. Hart
- George Birnbaum
- H. L. Welsh
- William Lovell
- John Chamberlain
- H. B. Levine
- Roy Gordon
- J. Van Kranendonk
- A. A. Maryott
- Robert Cole
- A. S. Barker
- Stuart Dryden
- Irwin Oppenheim