Monday, July 21
Dielectric Relaxation in Polar Liquids
“Survey of Dielectric Loss in Polar Liquids in Microwave Region”,
Worth E. Vaughan, University of Wisconsin
“Dielectric Friction in Fluids”,
Robert Zwanzig, National Bureau of Standards
“Dielectric and Mechanical Relaxation in Nonpolymeric Liquids”,
T. Litovitz and G. D. McDuffie, Catholic University
“The Dielectric Spectrum of Simple Polar Liquids”,
Robert H. Cole, Brown University
Tuesday, July 22
“Mechanism of Reorientation of Molecules in Liquids”,
J. G. Powles, University of Kent
Dielectric Relaxation in Organic Glasses and Polymers:
“On the Temperature Dependence of Cooperative Relaxation in Glass-Forming Liquids”,
Julian Gibbs, Brown University
“Dielectric Dispersion in Dilute Polymer Solutions”,
W. Stockmayer, Dartmouth College
“Dielectric Relaxation of Rodlike Molecules in Solution”,
Hyuk Yu, National Bureau of Standards
Wednesday, July 23
“Dielectric and Mechanical Relaxation in Semicrystalline Polymers”,
E. Passaglia and J. D. Hoffman, National Bureau of Standards
The Transition From Resonant to Nonresonant Dielectric Absorption(Gases)
“Dielectric Relaxation in Gases: Experimental Foundation”,
A. A. Maryott, National Bureau of Standards
“Microwave Relaxation in Gases”,
G. Birnbaum, North American Aviation Research Center
Thursday, July 24
“Theoretical Aspects of Line Shape and Microwave Relaxation Effects”,
A. BenReuven, Weizman Institute of Science, Rehovoth
Rotation of Dipoles in Molecular Crystals
“Aspects of the Dielectric Study of Molecular Rotation in the Solid State”,
Mansel Davies, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth
Friday, July 25
“Model for Dielectric Relaxation in Molecular Crystals”,
M. Broadhurst, National Bureau of Standards
“Mechanical and Dielectric Relaxation in Oxide Crystals”,
J. Wachtman, National Bureau of Standards

- Broadhurst, M.G.
- Crissman, J.
- Passaglia, E.
- Johnston, D.R.
- Baker, P.E.
- Amey, R.L.
- Jepsen,
- Zimmerman, J.R.
- Merrill, R.C.
- McCammon, R.D.
- Stockmayer, W.H.
- Nelson, R.D.
- Baxt, L.M,
- Baur, M.S.
- Harris, W.P.
- Mopsik, F.I.
- Link, G. L.
- Lauritzen, J. I., Jr.
- Wachtman, J.B.
- Frenkel, L,
- Gibbs, J.
- Work, R.N.
- Davidson, D. W.
- Fujita, S.
- McDuffie, G.E.
- Cole, R.H.
- Bur, A.J.
- Forster, E.O.
- Gallacher, L.V.
- Maryott, A.A.
- Berberian, J.G.
- Ben-Reuven, A.
- Litovitz, T.
- Illinger, K.H.
- Dannhauser, W.
- Denney, D.J.
- Davies, M.
- Osborn, R.H.
- Lewis, O.G.
- Vaughan, W.E.
- Bimbaum, G.
- Ishida, Y.
- Zwanzig, R.
- Hoffman, J.D.
- Price, A.H.
- Shaw, R.M.
- Yu, H.
- Malmberg, M.S.
- Malmberg, C.G.