The 8th BDS/IDS Conference 2014 takes place in Wisla, Poland and is organized by the research group of Prof. Dr. Marian Paluch. The broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS) is a powerful method for investigations of molecular dynamics of various materials. It enables to monitor molecular mobility reflected in the relaxation processes over a wide frequency range up to 16 decades, at different temperatures and pressures. BDS finds application in many fields of science and technology.
It is successfully employed in studies on: (i) the molecular dynamics in liquids, liquid crystals, glasses, disordered crystals, (ii) charge transport in ionic liquids, semiconductors, organic crystals, ceramics, ect., (iii) structural material properties like phase compositions, (iv) non-linear electrical effects. The BDS is also a very useful tool to monitor chemical reactions (including polymerization, tautomerization of drugs, mutarotation of sugars) and phase transitions, e.g. crystallization or vitrification. Consequently, numerous basic and applied topics are studied by dielectric techniques. The conference provides a platform to discuss these exciting developments.
Focus Sessions:
- BDS in relation to other spectroscopic or scattering techniques (Neutron, X-ray and Light scattering, NMR, IR-spectroscopy, DC- and AC-calorimetry, mechanical and ultrasound spectroscopy)
- Terahertz spectroscopy
- High pressure BDS
- Theory of dielectrics
- Glassy dynamics and its scaling
- Rotational and translational diffusion in conducting glasses and ionic liquids
- Electrode & Maxwell-Wagner polarization
- Charge transport & dynamics in confinement
- Dielectric properties of biological systems
- Dielectric properties of pharmaceutical systems
- Monitoring of chemical reactions and crystallization process
- BDS study of ferroelectrics, ceramics and liquid crystals
- Non-linear electrical effects