Sunday, September 3, 2006 to Thursday, September 7, 2006
Poznan, Poland (Technical University of Lodz)
The 4th BDS/IDS Conference took place in Poznan, Poland, organized by of the Technical University of Lodz and the Polish Academy of Science.
Chairmen: Jacek Ulanski and Bozena Hilczer
Focus sessions:
- Relaxation in confined geometry
- Dynamics in disordered systems
- Relaxation theories
- Polarization and space-charge phenomena
- Dynamics in polymers and liquid crystals
- Thin polymer films
- Relaxations in semicrystalline and heterogeneous polymer systems
- New theorectical and methodological developments
- Ion conduction materials
- Aqueous systems
- Ferroelectrics and liquid crystals
- Charge transport phenomena
- Relaxations in complex systems