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Yuri Feldman

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof Dr
Contact details: 

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of Applied Physics
Jerusalem, 91904, Israel
Tel: (+972) 2 658 6187, (+972) 2 658 5061
Fax: (+972) 2 566 3878

Research field(s): 

Soft Condensed Matter Physics
Medical Physics

Research interests: 

Broad Band Dielectric Spectroscopy in Time and Frequency Domain
Dielectric Relaxation in Complex Liquids at Mesoscale
Dielectric Relaxation and Transport in Porous Materials
Relaxation Dynamics and Mesoscopic Feature of Ferroelectric Crystals
Relaxation Dynamics and Mesoscopic Feature of Glass Forming Glycerol-Water mixtures
Dielectric Spectroscopy as a monitoring tool for the blood cells response on the bioactive compounds influence
Human Skin as Arrays of Helical Antennas in the Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Range